вторник, 24 апреля 2007 г.

Web Conditioning: Get Your Site in Shape!

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Web Conditioning: Get Your Site in Shape!

Too many of these smaller businesses dont realize the missed opportunities of an improperly aligned website. A representative website isnt a box to be crossed off a to-do list for a business, but instead an integral component of todays successful business.

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VOTE NOW - Graphic Design Contest

I will be putting a list of all entries in this tread, each with a number. Each voter must vote for 2 (two) entries, a First Choice and Second Choice. Points are assigned by each vote. First Choice votes receive 2 points and Second Choice votes receive 1 point. The winner will be the entry with the most points, and runner-up is the entry with the second highest number of points. Voters have until Sunday, September 24th, to cast their vote. The winner and runner up will be announced on Monday, September 25th.
Is Adsense Dead?

You may have heard of a 'report' (it calls its self a report but it's more like the first half of a sales pitch) circulating the internet called The Death of AdSense.
PR update - Coming Soon???? Or Not!

It's been a fair while since the last PR update and I'm wondering if anyone has heard any 'whispers' or stray comments?
Site / server monitoring

What are people using to monitor their sites? Just curious, I have a script on a different box to our main site. This just performs a simple headers test, if we don't get a 200 response back I get a text message to my mobile telling me it's down; then we log the result in a flatfile so the script can check it was up or down last and only text me when the status has changed.
New Features Live at Google?

A Google Mystery.... finally solved.
Advice Needed

I live in Alabama so we don't get paid much anyway because the cost of living is less expensive here than other places. Just for an example, after I got out of college I started this job making $8.75 per hour. I make more than that now since I have been there for 6 years but not a lot more. I recently had a baby and needed extra money so I started my own website business about a month ago. I have listed on google and yahoo for pay per click. I am getting some clicks but no purchases and I don't understand because I keep my prices very low hoping people will come back for more. I have also listed in about 50 free sites to link. I am interested in knowing if anyone could give me any advice and understand that I am working on a limited budget.
Traffic Exchanges - Marketing Tool or Trash?

Can the Traffic Exchanges be really taken serious as marketing tools? Im using them for a while but no sales. Wat experience do you have?
Link building and Landing Pages

Having written an few articles and published them with links to my target site, I'm wondering if I should have build custom landing pages for each article? Any thoughts?? Thanks!
The Launch of a Revolutionary Idea

All the biggest Internet Marketing names are on board...
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Why the heck is your website not selling more? It could be your eyes...

If youre anything like most online marketers or website owners, youve probably tried every tweak, trick and technique you can think of to get your website to sell more. Maybe youve even had a few successes and actually improved your conversion rates a bit. Yet deep down inside, youre positive that your site is capable of so much more.
The Ten Web Site Commandments

"What makes a good web page?" You, like any serious website operator, want to know how to create and maintain the best possible website that nets you the most sales and subscribers. The following "commandments" represent the ideals towards which every new or existing website or minisite should aspire.
How To Incorporate Adsense Into Your Affiliate Marketing

A lot of people are lured by affiliate marketing because it can be financially rewarding, even if you just stay at home.
Improving Conversion Rates: The Best Investment You Can Make In Your Web Site.

Niche after niche and industry after industry have proven that once a marketer with an obsession for maximizing traffic conversion enters the niche, its "game over" for the existing websites in that market that dont adapt...

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