вторник, 24 апреля 2007 г.

Google's 8 Specific Quality Guidelines Revisited

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Google's 8 Specific Quality Guidelines Revisited

The article aims to inform the SEO newbies and remind the experienced SEO experts of the 8 Specific Quality Guidelines set by Google.

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Deep One Way IBL's

I was doing some reading today and I ran across some short articles that made no sense to me. One stated that it is "bad" to have too many deep one-way IBLs, suggesting you should only have a couple. The other one I read was something in line with stating that you cant have an IBL pointing to every page are these people smoking wacky weed? Please share your thoughts
Do you Guys Spend Money to Promote Your Website?

Since 99 when I launched my site not a penny a spend on marketing/promoting my website (Ex-designz.net). Maybe because the first few years I wasn't serious about it, and it's just a hobby site that keep growing. But now I'm planning to push the traffic to the roof and it seems to me its getting harder to get the last push.
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Hello, I am a new member and have question about search engins

Does someone know of a good site to go to that has a list of popular search engines I can manually list to from that site. I have found one, ineedhits.com that listed about 20 but I need some more.
PHP pages not displaying

I have several pages happily running php on my website. In fact I have hundreds of php pages running successfully on my server, but two very important ones do not. Even though there is html code outside the this is all that can be seen in the source of the two pages:
Link Profile

Please forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong forum and feel free to move it please. Please be gentle with me as I`m not too sure about things like this. I have just lately been hearing a lot about Link Profile. Is this the same as Back Links and Inbound Links and am I right in understanding that is the amount of times a link to your website shows up on other websites.
Run on Autopilot

Hi fellow entrepreneurs, my name is Michael LaNoue. If you're anything like I was, you try countless ways to make money on the internet everyday, only to be disappointed at the end of every endeavor. Think about it... how many times a day are you OVERRUN with some hyped up "get-rich-quick" scheme on the Internet?
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