вторник, 24 апреля 2007 г.

Mobi – The Birth Of A Mobile Internet Revolution?

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.Mobi The Birth Of A Mobile Internet Revolution?

The .mobi domain name has been released with the intention of increasing the span of the mobile Internet. .Mobi sites need specialist content and specialist marketing to become popular and useful.

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Traffic Exchanges - marketing tool or trash?

Can the Traffic Exchanges be really taken serious as marketing tools?
Linking a background image

When you place an image or logo at the top of your page you generally lose the ability to place important keywords....
top 3 search engines (4 if google is included)

An informal discussion about ranking Search Engines.
Posting and membership incentives

I don't know if it holds any value but I thought of a way for SR to boost quality content and post counts from new and existing users.
Is there anyway to stop this?

The spam battle continues...
SEO.... From the beginning

I was hoping to get advice from the Pros, on going from start to finish on some or all (or more!) of the following topics:.....
Random Quote Script?

Does anyone know where I can get a random quote script that would read from a TXT file?
View/Text Size in Browser

I must admit to never having paid much attention to this particular aspect of a browser.
Banner links

I phoned up someone who claim they could get your site to number in google,
The Launch of a Revolutionary Idea

All the biggest Internet Marketing names are on board...
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Discover How to Create Ads Which Give Incredible Results!

Many people decide to spend a lot of money putting their advert all over the internet in the hopes that their web traffic will sky-rocket. Most people end up disappointed.

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