вторник, 24 апреля 2007 г.

Organic Marketing: Success Without the Hype

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Organic Marketing: Success Without the Hype

Learn how to build your business or practice using your own expert knowledge and a few simple tools! I call it "organic marketing" because it works from the inside out by sharing your expertise you can build your business or practice, and make a difference too.

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Keywords in GET variables

Just wondering if anyone has had any noticeable differences by putting keywords in their GET variables.
Is Google Lying to Me?

Although I would really like to rank in Google for my keywords, the site that I have recently taken over does not (to my knowledge) even feature in the first 800 results! I am talking about my website www.freetxt.net which I am hoping to rank for the term "Free SMS". I get the felling this is pretty competative though. For the moment I am using Adwords to get my traffic.
Coolest Thing Ever

This is the coolest website in the world....except for SR!
Problems with Symbols

A discussion about a problem with search engines...
***VOTING BOOTH*** Graphic Design Contest

Have a look at the fantastic designs and vote for your top picks.
What are you listening to and what....?

The question is the subject... what are you listening to and what are you listening to it on?
To WWW or Not to WWW

that is the Google option. whether tis better to be seen as one or the other...damned if i know. does it even really matter?? i would appreciate some thoughts on the matter. just an fyi, going thru one of my sites, i noticed all but one page showed on the browser address line as www. how the heck can that happen???!!! tim
Weighting Formula / Algorithm

Right, somethings that's been bugging me today I have 4000 uncategorised articles I have another 700 articles that have been categorised into about 300 categories I have built a search function that takes the title of an uncategorised article and searches through my database of categorised articles. This search returns the number of matches found in each of my 300-odd categories. Simple solution - take the category with the highest number of matches Testing shows that this is somewhat irrelevant.
How to Provide Different Language Versions for the Same Website?

I look thru my site's stats and found that its traffics are mainly coming from Asia countries especially chinese speaking region. So I am thinking of it would be good if I am able to provide a Chinese Language version of my current site for these visitors group. You know, like the google translation sort of that where I just need to click on the langage version somthing like that.
Search Engine Traffic Moving Down This Month

I can see my SERP moving up in MSN, Yahoo & Google and traffic dropping to 50% from MSN this month, also drop in google & Yahoo traffic by 20% even after SERP moving upwards in both, people staying longer on the web pages, conversions more.
The Launch of a Revolutionary Idea

All the biggest Internet Marketing names are on board...
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The Dirty Little Secret Nobody Tells You About Website Split Testing...

Ive got a confession to make. This may come as a surprise to you (after all, Im a testing fanatic)... But, testing doesnt improve website conversion every time.
Internet Marketing Quiz, Test Your Knowledge

A quiz, to test your knowledge of marketing on the Internet.
Do This And You Will Lose A Lot Of Traffic

To make money online and earn financial freedom from your online business, all you need is lots of traffic to your website. No traffic simply means no business. It is just as simple as that - but it is not so simple to get that traffic.
Easy-To-Use System For Approaching Niche Product

Let's get started with this interesting fact. You are likely to make more money online selling a niche product rather than a business product. There are just too many people trying to promote a self improvement on business product these days. You are better off selling a niche product where you can actually target your customer more accurately.

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